Car Compare is the number one mobile car comparison app on the market. Enjoy!

We proudly present Car Compare, the number one app on the market for comparing cars on mobile devices. It makes comparing of cars as easy as it can get. We designed a superior user interface, which allows you to compare up to 10 cars simultaneously and comprehensively.

Choose between 50.000 different cars and more than 140 car makes!

A quick overview of the top features:
● Database with 50.000 cars *
● 140+ car makes
● Compare up to 10 cars simultaneously *
● 30 different compare parameters
● Photo gallery of compared cars
● "My compares" history list *
● Compare oldtimers *
● 3 unit systems (US, UK, Metric)

* pro features (visit for more details)

Enjoy using our app.

Your Car Compare team.